International Test

The 2017 International Weekend will be held at the Derby Conference Centre, Derby on 16/17/18 June 2017.

Derby sits on the edge of the southern part of the Peak District (White Peak) boasting not only the magnificent countryside but also the incomparable Chatsworth House and gardens.

The city is also of course an historic centre of engineering both for the railways and aero engines.




Our provisional program is:

Friday Arrive and meet friends old and new , with rolling hot buffet.
Saturday AGM followed by a scenic drive or visit to Chatsworth
Dinner Dance at the hotel.
Sunday Concourse and BBQ lunch.


The hotel is now full, the club has a list of overflow hotels, speak to Stuart Allan for more details (contact details below).

If you aren’t booking accomodation and want to book Dinner Dance tickets only (includes no other meals):
You can select the number of tickets on the screen that comes up after clicking on the link. 

Membership No. (If known)
Guest name(s)
I would like to be seated with

You can either check out in the paypal screen or if you have returned to this page you can click View Cart below to check out;

If you prefer to download a form, print it and send with a cheque the form can be downloaded here (click on the word here or right click and save link as). Please return the form with remittance to 
Stuart Allan. 39 BEECH LANE, ROMILEY, STOCKPORT, CHESHIRE, SK6 4AF. Tel. 07712 767533

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