Tech Tips taken from the club’s magazines, compiled by Phil Fish.
3.0 Transmission
3.1 Chrysler Fault Finding Engine and Transmission Torque 8 2014
3.2 Torqueflite testing and diagnosis Torque 3 Summer 2007
3.3 Kick-down set-up Torque 5 Autumn 2009
3.4 Torqueflite questions Torque 5 Autumn 2009
4.0 Fuel and Carburettor
4.1 Holly Carburettors joc_mag_160
4.2 A cure for fuel evaporation problems_JOC_083
4.3 Fitting an electric fuel pump joc_mag_165
4.4 Fuel injecting an Interceptorjoc_mag_143
4.5 Carter AVS Service Instruction Worksheet
4.6 Carburettor vacuum connections Torque 3 Summer 2007
4.7 Six pack carb adjustments Torque 3 Summer 2007
4.8 What does the fuel expansion tank do? Torque 6 Autumn 2010
4.9 Car loses power then stops Torque 7 Autumn 2011
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