For classified advertisements for inclusion in the latest JOC Magazine, please send or contact:
JOC and Non JOC members:
If you require some assistance with the sale of your unwanted parts or wish to sell your car, you are welcome to do so through the JOC Magazine Classified section. This section is free to use for JOC and NON JOC Members, provided it is not for a Registered Business.
If space is permitted, you are welcome to include clear, quality photos in the form of a .jpeg or .png format.
All Classified Ads to reach the JOC Ads Secretary, before the date shown in the current JOC Magazine.
Commercial Advertiser:
We welcome Commercial Advertiser to place an Ad in the club magazine. For more details of our competitive rates/special deals (6 or more consecutive publications) contact the JOC Ads Secretary on the above contact details during office hours or send an e-mail with your requirements, contact name, number best time to contact you.
Real time adverts for Jensen cars and parts can be found on the JOC Forum HERE and are accessible to both members and non-members.
If you experience difficulty posting or amending your JOC Forum advert, please contact for advice.
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Due to unforeseen circumstance the Regalia Shop will be closed until further notice. I do apologies for any inconvenience caused. Kind regards Regalia Secretary Dismiss